Primary source accounts: photographs, oral histories, videos, essays and historical documents from the United Farm Worker Delano Grape Strikers and the UFW Volunteers who worked with Cesar Chavez to build his farmworker movement. They were taken from the UCSD Library archive, which is available online. The Library presents this material in the context of scholarly fair use. Please see their copyright notice and takedown procedures if you are a rights owner with concerns about this material.
"Women did much of the harvesting and packing of table grapes in California's central valley. The scales show a weight of approximately 26 pounds for a field-packed box of grapes. Paid piece rate--the faster you worked, the more you earned--with no toilets or drinking water provided."
(The UCSD Library presents this material in the context of scholarly fair use. Please see their copyright notice and takedown procedures if you are a rights owner with concerns about this material.
"Children working with their parents to help support family, also harvested and packed grapes in the fields. Child labor during harvest time was the norm, not the exception."
(The UCSD Library presents this material in the context of scholarly fair use. Please see their copyright notice and takedown procedures if you are a rights owner with concerns about this material.
"Caesar Chavez, Migrant Workers Union Leader" by Cornelius Keyes, NARA photographer, used under license CC0