If you don't see what you need from our streaming services, remember we still have plenty of DVDs available. The link below is a DVD search in our catalog, sorted by Title.
Ideally, a permalink to a movie would be provided to students so that they may view the movie before or after class, if you are meeting synchronously. Using the "screen-share" option in a video platform may result in bad quality, the item not playing (due to copyright protections that prevent group viewing), and internet lag times.
RCC Library has subscribed to two streaming platforms for use in your classrooms, either online or in person. These platforms contain films, movies, TV shows, documentaries, and more. We hope they will help you in preparing engaging content for your curriculum.
Each subsequent page includes documentation for using and troubleshooting the platforms. But please don't hesitate to contact a librarian if you have any problems. We're happy to help.