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This is the basic format. For eBooks, look below.  Also, some books have multiple authors, different editions, are in an anthology, etc.  See below for examples.

Author Last name, First name. Title of Book. Publisher, Year.




Single Author

Wood, Michael. In Search of England: Journeys into the English Past. U of

     California Press, 1999.

Two Authors

Eschholz, Paul, and Alfred Rosa. Subjects/Strategies: A Writer’s Reader.

     Bedford / St. Martin’s, 2002.

Three or More Authors or Editors

 Brambilla, Chiara, et al., editors. Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of

     Border Making. Ashgate, 2007.

Corporate Author

United Nations. Consequences of Rapid Population Growth in Developing

     Countries. Taylor and Francis, 1991.


Other Contributors

Euripides. The Trojan Women. Ten Plays. Translated by Paul Roche, New

     American Library, 1998, pp. 457-512.

Edition or Version

 Sadie, Stanley, editor. The Grove Book of Authors. Revised by Laura Macy,

     2nd ed., Oxford UP, 2006.

In a Series

Neruda, Pablo. Canto General. Translated by Jack Schmitt, U of California P,

     1991, p. 10. Latin American Literature and Culture 7. **(Including the series name is optional.)

A Work in an Anthology or Compilation

Heaton, John W. “Athabascan Village Stores: Subsistence Shopping in Interior

     Alaska in the 1940s.” Race and Retail: Consumption Across the Color

     Line, edited by Mia Bay and Ann Fabian, Rutgers UP, 2015, pp. 123-140.

Work in a Volume

 Howells, W. D. Their Wedding Journey. Edited by John K. Reeves, 1968. A

     Selected Edition of W. D. Howells, general editor, Edwin H. Cady,

     vol. 5, Indiana UP, 1968-83.


eBook (in an online database)(Hint: Use the Cite button within the book to create the citation for you!)

 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter: A Romance. Henry Altemus, 1892.

       HathiTrust Digital Library,


Graphic Novel

Butcher, Jim. Storm Front: The Gathering Storm. Adapted by Mark Powers,

     illustrated by Ardian Syaf, vol. 1, Ballatine Books, 2010. Jim Butcher’s

     the Dresden Files.


Smith, Jeff. Bone. Crown of Horns, no. 9, Scholastic, 2009.