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What Your Works Cited Page Should Look Like

(the title "Works Cited" should be centered, regardless of what it may appear like on this screen)


                                           Sambal 6

Works Cited

Huber, Suzanne. “The Impact of Food Allergies on Social and Emotional Development.” Childhood Psychological Disorders: Current Controversies, edited by

Alberto M. Bursztyn, Praeger, 2011, pp. 143-66.

Letizia, Joan. "Trichinosis." Infectious Diseases & Conditions, edited by H. Bradford Hawley, vol. 3, Salem Press, 2012, pp. 1073-75. Salem Health. Gale Virtual

Reference Library,

180d7f1ba2bb3b896f6f628dbc4b10a8. Accessed on 19 Sept. 2022.

“Parasites - Trichinellosis (also known as Trichinosis): Disease.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 8 April, Accessed on 19 Sept. 2022.

Formatting Your Works Cited Page


Should continue– no extra spaces between citations (Word sometimes adds this automatically. Google “remove extra spacing from paragraphs on Word” to remove this.


List Authors Alphabetically

By the first word of the citation.

Descartes, René

De Sica, Vittorio


Multiple Works by One Author

Use ---. in place of the author’s name (see The Cat in the Hat, in  example above)


Page Number

 The Works Cited page is numbered along with the whole paper.


Second Line of the Citation is Indented

One-half inch. This “hanging” indent can be done in MS word:

  1. Select and right click on the block of text
  2.  From the pop-up menu, click on Paragraph>Special>Hanging

In Google Docs highlight text – go to: Format>Align and Indent>Indentation Options>Special Hanging


Works Cited

Words should be centered one inch from the top of the page.

 **For all the excruciating details of how to form your citations, see the next tabs.