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Basic Mathematics and Pre-Algebra: PDF and E-Books from the Internet

Books and websites to assist students with basic mathematics and pre-algebra concepts.

E-Books from the Internet

 Elementary Algebra is a work text that covers the traditional topics studied in a modern elementary algebra course. It is intended for students who have no exposure to elementary algebra, (2) have previously had an unpleasant experience with elementary algebra, or (3) need to review algebraic concepts and techniques.


 Fundamentals of Mathematics is a work text that covers the traditional topics studied in a modern prealgebra course, as well as topics of estimation, elementary analytic geometry, and introductory algebra. It is intended for students who (1) have had a previous course in prealgebra, (2) wish to meet the prerequisite of a higher level course such as elementary algebra, and (3) need to review fundamental mathematical concepts and techniques.

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